📄️ Flood risk
To calculate flood risk from LiDAR data in PostGIS, you will need to follow these steps:
📄️ Land registry price paid parcels
We combined three separate files containing price paid data into a single file, removed unnecessary quotes, selected only rows that contained the string "GL" followed by a number between 0 and 9, and printed out only the fourth and second columns. We also added column names and deleted any rows that contained null values.
📄️ Land registry price paid parish
Download data
📄️ Query workings
Identify mines within 2km of given point.
📄️ Least cost path wildlife corridors
Identify the current locations of important wildlife habitats in the study area, such as parks, green spaces, and natural areas.
📄️ Microclimates
📄️ Wildlife corridor overview
- Identify areas of high connectivity between different land cover types, such as forests and grasslands. These areas are likely to be used by wildlife as corridors for movement.