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Setup rclone

Install rclone from the package manager

sudo dnf install rclone

Run the rclone configuration wizard to set up a remote storage provider

rclone config

Open the rclone service file in a text editor

sudo vim ~/.config/systemd/user/rclone.service

Add the following content to the service file

Description=Rclone Sync

# Specify the sync command to be run at boot
ExecStart=/usr/bin/rclone sync /Documents/ google:Documents/
# Restart the service if it fails

# Enable the service to start at boot

Check the status of the rclone service

systemctl --user status rclone.service

Start the rclone service immediately

systemctl --user start rclone.service

Enable the rclone service to start at boot

systemctl --user enable rclone.service

Reload the system manager configuration

systemctl --user daemon-reload